Password Generator

Create strong, unique passwords that protect your online accounts from unauthorized access.

12 characters

Why Use Our Password Generator?

🔒 Enhanced Security

Generate complex passwords that are virtually impossible to guess or crack.

🧩 Customizable Options

Adjust password length and include/exclude character types as needed.

📋 Easy Clipboard Copy

Instantly copy generated passwords with a single click.

Password Security Tips

  • Use unique passwords for each account to minimize risk if one account is compromised.

  • Aim for passwords at least 12 characters long with a mix of character types.

  • Consider using a password manager to securely store your generated passwords.

Start Generating Secure Passwords Now

Protect your digital life with strong, unique passwords generated in seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are generated passwords truly random?

Yes, our password generator uses a cryptographically secure random number generation method to create truly unpredictable passwords.

Is it safe to use an online password generator?

Our tool generates passwords client-side, meaning the passwords are created directly in your browser and never sent to our servers, ensuring maximum privacy and security.

How long should my password be?

We recommend passwords between 12-32 characters. Longer passwords are generally more secure, as they are harder to crack through brute-force methods.

Can I customize the generated password?

Absolutely! You can adjust the password length and choose which types of characters to include (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, symbols) to meet your specific security requirements.